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Refund and Privacy Policy

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judges choice o for the love of circles mary wieser.jpg

Class and Workshop Refund Policy

  • Should a participant need to withdraw from a GVQC workshop or class, the participant must contact the Registrar by phone as soon as possible.  Full refund will be made if the withdrawal is made at least 30 days prior to the workshop.  

  • If a participant withdraws less than 30 days prior to the workshop the following procedure will be followed:

    • If there is a waiting list, the Registrar will notify the first person on the list and the cancelling participant.  The cancelling participant will then contact the replacement to arrange financial reimbursement.

    • If there is no waiting list it is the cancelling registrant’s responsibility to find a replacement and notify the Registrar when that has happened. Financial arrangements are the responsibility of the two parties involved.  If no replacement can be found, the Registrar must be notified and the cancelling registrant will be issued a voucher good for the amount paid for the cancelled class to be used within 6-months for another class.


If it becomes necessary for GVQC to cancel a workshop, the participant will receive a refund equal to the amount they paid for the workshop.

GVQC Privacy Policy

Genesee Valley Quilt Club and Genesee Valley QuiltFest values your right to privacy.  GVQC and GVQF will never sell, give or trade any of your information.

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Helping One Another Blend Art and Tradition
Genesee Valley Quilt Club

Genesee Valley Quilt Club, Copyright 2024-2025

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