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GVQC News & Updates

News from the Last Club Meeting

GVQC Celebrates End of Year

Wrap Up Meeting for 2023-2024

Club Business:

2024-2025 club officers and new board members were sworn in beginnnig their duties with the new club year starting in September.   

Old Business:

President, Carol Manning, gave the report on the outstanding success of the quilt show in May.  Success is only possible because so many volunteered in many, many ways.  A big thank you to the Nick, MJ, and Vicki for their leadership on the show.  see Genesee Valley QuiltFest Outstanding Success.

New Business:

No new business.

Committee Reports:

Comfort Quilts reports 406 quilts turned in this past year made by 54 members and about half of those quilts made by the fabulous five - five members who are prolific at quiltmaking.

June Meeting Stats:  112 members, 1 visitors, 1 new who joined today.  Currently there are 282 members.  Reminder it is time to renew membership, including Honraory Members who earned the benefit of free membership.

Honorary members were announced, see "Two Members Honored."

Everyone enjoyed Show and Tell of the show award winning quilts and regular Show and Tell.

All members were honored and thanked for their volunteer service with a slide presentation and small gift.  Everyone enjoyed the "picnic" pot luck lunch.

Two Members Honored

Honorary Members Selected

The 2024 inductees into GVQC Honorary Member status were Vicki Coykendall and Peggy Braitsch.

Choosing candidates for this award is a tough decision.  They must be members continuously for 10 years, be 65 years of age, and have contributed significant service to GVQC.  Both Vicki and Peggy have worn many "hats" at GVQC volunteering in a number of capacities and given much time to the success and growth of the club.

Genesee Valley QuiltFest Huge Success

Outstanding Quilts, Stellar Attendance

At the June meeting, it was reported that 2024 QuiltFest, May 17-19, was a huge success.  Carol Manning, president, reported the that the club made money that will go toward speakers and expenses the next two years, that when the winning ticket was pulled at the end of the show for the opportunity quilt,  all of the 5,000 tickets printed except 28 had been sold, and that the gift gallery sold nearly everything with very little carry over.  Half of the raffle money is being donated to a youth program.

114 members entered a total of 273 quilts in the member only peer judging category.  The professionally judged entries were 45% GVQC members and 55% non-member entries.  Classes were attended by 58 members and 43 non-members.

It was announced that the same show committee will serve to coordinate the next show in 2026.  They are looking for volunteers to work along side planning this show and to take the reigns for the 2028 show. 

Congratulations Donna Schagle winning Viewer's Choice with her wool applique, "Around the Garden Party."

View the winning quilts.

Meeting Day Photo Gallery

Show & Tell and Program Highlights

Hover to start video and use arrow to scroll through more photos.  To watch all zoomed, click on the large photo to start the video, and then use arrow to scroll through more photos.

Helping One Another Blend Art and Tradition
Genesee Valley Quilt Club

Genesee Valley Quilt Club, Copyright 2024-2025

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